A desktop app for managing & rolling tables
The RPG roller application is a desktop App designed as a tool for Pen & Paper RPG DM/ Creative Fantasy projects. Like the Loot tables of DnD, it randomly generates items, places, etc.. , the unique part of this project is the modular (composable) nature of the tables file format. In effect you can create tables replacing descriptive adjectives, such as color with a sub-table meaning each ‘roll’ can vary greatly adding a further layer depth of descriptiveness. Another advantage here is the hosting of tables in modular Open Source Repository allowing for a highly extendable Open collection of tables which people can easily extend.
Once you run the application once, you will find in your documents folder a new folder called Fantasy-Tables
within that folder is another called Collections
, inside this folder is where you place new tables, making sure that any folders added have an index.json file inside and not nested within another sub folder:
Currently just a desktop app as they tend to be longer lasting than web sites and it’s easier to download and add custom tables to a desktop app.
If I get a good response I will look at create a toolset to help people create random table generators for their websites.
Currently the app is in it’s first iteration whilst I get a feel for interest, if strong I will look into further extending it’s functionality
themes (working but lacks polish and options) 😐
These are the main, detailed tables currently available
Used by tables above
The github organisation Random-Tables contains Reos for all the Tables https://github.com/orgs/Random-Tables/repositories First download one and using a Text editor have a read through the .json files to get a feel for how they are built, it should be fairly simple to replicate the design format as they are quite a simple, readable format.
Tables have a few options for how they generate data, se below