
A desktop app for managing & rolling tables

Project maintained by Random-Tables Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

RPG Table Roller Application

The RPG roller application is a desktop App designed as a tool for Pen & Paper RPG DM/ Creative Fantasy projects. Like the Loot tables of DnD, it randomly generates items, places, etc.. , the unique part of this project is the modular (composable) nature of the tables file format. In effect you can create tables replacing descriptive adjectives, such as color with a sub-table meaning each ‘roll’ can vary greatly adding a further layer depth of descriptiveness. Another advantage here is the hosting of tables in modular Open Source Repository allowing for a highly extendable Open collection of tables which people can easily extend.

Windows x64 Linux Deb

Adding Tables

Once you run the application once, you will find in your documents folder a new folder called Fantasy-Tables within that folder is another called Collections, inside this folder is where you place new tables, making sure that any folders added have an index.json file inside and not nested within another sub folder:


Desktop App ?

Currently just a desktop app as they tend to be longer lasting than web sites and it’s easier to download and add custom tables to a desktop app.

If I get a good response I will look at create a toolset to help people create random table generators for their websites.


Currently the app is in it’s first iteration whilst I get a feel for interest, if strong I will look into further extending it’s functionality


These are the main, detailed tables currently available

Utility - Tables

Used by tables above

Creating Your own Tables

The github organisation Random-Tables contains Reos for all the Tables https://github.com/orgs/Random-Tables/repositories First download one and using a Text editor have a read through the .json files to get a feel for how they are built, it should be fairly simple to replicate the design format as they are quite a simple, readable format.

Tables have a few options for how they generate data, se below

Table data types